Be The Best Chiropractor Videos

The videos below are designed to ENHANCE your current practice.  Watch and learn how you can create the sustainable practice of your dreams!  Become a Patreon with and get new videos each month designed to increase Patient Retention, Referrals, Results, and Revenue!

Want more for your practice?  Are you a DIY Doctor?  Like to do things yourself, but appreciate a little guidance?  As a Patreon member, you’ll get help with creating effective business systems, staff training, adjustments & rehabilitation, and unlimited ways to enhance the Patient Experience in your office!  Watch, implement, and track the results- it’s that simple!

“Dr Michelle Wendling DC is passionate about helping chiropractors succeed in practice!  In addition to that, her passion to help the public better understand chiropractic shines through in every video!”    – Dr. Christen DC

Ready for a deeper dive?  Get a FREE Coaching Consultation!  We have a wide range of coaching, mentoring and support to help you GET to where you want to go!  Click Here for more ways to truly BE the BEST Chiropractor you can be and have the successful practice of your dreams!

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Patient Education: Chiropractic and Your Brain

Price VS Value

Money Part I Clean Your Financial Closet

Money Part II Increase Your Income

Set Your Price, Stand by Your Value

To Be, or NOT To Be, an Associate…

Change Their Story

Rules of The Body

Be Social

Follow Be The Best Chiropractor

The AART of Chiropractic

Scheduling to Increase Retention

The Last 15 Seconds Matter!

Listen to and Serve Your Patients

Staff Training Improve Patient Experience

Patient Education- Think Out Loud to Increase Retention and Referrals

Increase Referrals with Gratitude

First Impressions Last a Lifetime

Friendly Face Doctors too

Menstrual Cramp Relief and Fertility Help

Improve Speed and Depth of Adjustments Speeder Board

Soft Tissue Work CT

Stabilization for the Upper Body

Core Pelvic Stability Butt Squeezes

Patient Education: Simple Core Stabilization

Talus assess, stretch, and adjust

Pelvic Adjustment Side Posture

Assessment for Lower Back, Pelvis and Hips

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Be The Best Chiropractor
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